Biodiversity Newsflash 128
June 2023
1 | Stratégie Biodiversité 360° public consultation
Adopted at first reading by the Walloon Government, the 360° Biodiversity Strategy sets ambitious objectives for the decade 2020-2030 in terms of nature and biodiversity, in all sectors. Before its final approval, the text will be submitted to the Walloon population via a public inquiry during the summer.
In line with the European strategy in favor of biodiversity and COP15, Wallonia's Biodiversity 360° (SB360°) strategy proposes a global and concrete approach to biodiversity articulated around 5 axes of action:
1. Preserve biodiversity and restore populations of degraded species and natural habitats; 2. Integrate biodiversity into development logics and economic activities and promote the sustainable use of biodiversity; 3. Valuing biodiversity and mobilizing all actors in society in its favour; 4. Deploy actions locally and shine internationally; 5. Study biodiversity and supervise activities in the field.
All Walloon actors will be involved in its implementation, at regional and local level, in the various human activities (agriculture, forestry, economy, etc.).
The SB360° will be subject to a public inquiry from July 3 until September 18, 2023. Anyone wishing to read the program and the report on the environmental impact and formulate an opinion will be invited to contact the authorities of their municipality. .
More information
For more information on Science Policy in the Walloon region, please contact Sonia Vanderhoeven, Biodiversity Expert at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. |
2 | VEE Celebrates its 30th anniversary .
The Flemish Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics celebrates its 30th anniversary under the theme “A Glimpse into the Future: Animals, Health and the Environment”. The study day will be introduced by Dr. Herman Claeys (Head of Service Animal and Plant Health Policy, FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment) and welcomes 3 invited speakers on One Health, Residues of antibiotics in the environment and health implications of fine particular matter, respectively. Abstract submission for short presentations and posters on this theme as well as on topics in the field of veterinary epidemiology and economics is open until 31 August via the website. We look forward to seeing you there!
When: 26th October 2023 Where: Galileegebouw FOD Volksgezondheid, Galileelaan 5, 1210 Brussel
For more information on One Health, please Dominique Vandekerchove, One Health Expert at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
3 | Invasive Alien Species Report Primer
At the end of this year's plenary, IPBES is set to launch its latest report, the Thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control.
Anticipating this launch, IPBES has now released the 'Primer' for this assessment, which provides a short briefing about the scope, scale and significance of the report. It aims to answer key questions like: "Why is this report important? What will decision-makers have after it is launched that they don't have now? How does the report link to major global issues and events?". It does not preview any of the key messages or policy options that the final report will provide - but it helps to provide details about why you should be anticipating the launch of the report, and information about how and when this will be available.
Download is available in all official UN languages.
For more information on IPBES related news, please contact Anna Heck, IPBES Belgian Focal Point, at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
5 | Belgian Focal Point the Convention on Biological Diversity: Political Monitoring .
The Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD has released Political Monitoring: Biodiversity politics in Belgian parliaments for June 2023.
The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the Parliament of the Walloon-Brussels federation, the Flemish Parliament, the Brussels Parliament and the EU Parliament. An overview of topics discussed in the two most recent monitorings is provided below, together with pdf versions of the monitoring documents that include links to reports of the discussions. Pdf copies of older political monitorings can be found under the files list on the right.
For more information, please contact Leendert Plaetinck, Communication Officer for the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
6 | Upcoming Biodiversa+ call for research announced!
Get ready for the Biodiversa+ “BiodivNBS” call on Nature-based Solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change! The call, to be launched on 11 September 2023 will support projects studying the tipping points and trade-offs and underlying mechanisms affecting NBS, resulting in benefits for nature, human well-being, and societal transformation. More information.
7 | Out now: EU Roadmap to 2030 for Research and Innovation on Nature-based solutions
Biodiversa+ is pleased to announce the publication of the “ European Roadmap to 2030 for Research and Innovation on Nature-based solutions”. The Roadmap identifies core action areas for European research and innovation on Nature-based solutions (NBS) that are essential to achieve EU goals for NBS development and deployment. It was facilitated by Biodiversa+ on behalf of NetworkNature. Check out the roadmap!  8 | Addressing the degradation of ecosystems through scenario-making When it comes to biodiversity conservation, balancing diverse interests among nations and stakeholders is crucial. Projects funded through the Biodiversa+ BiodivScen call have used scenario-making to evaluate future biodiversity changes and support effective conservation policies. Read all about it. 9 | Biodiversa+ is hiring!
Do you have a good understanding of the academic landscape and are looking for a meaningful job? Are you interested in the issues and stakes related to biodiversity at the European level and beyond? Do you wish to support research? Biodiversa+ is looking for a Scientific Project Officer to help implement its transnational calls for research projects. Find our more!
10.1 The LifeWatch ERIC BEeS: abstract book, video recordings and more!The LifeWatch ERIC family met again, for the first time in four years, at the "BEeS" Biodiversity & Ecosystem eScience Conference. It took place in Seville from 22 - 24 May, on the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity. Explore the abstract book, watch the video of the live-streamed round table, and download the presentations!
10.2 Official launch of DecaNet, a portal for decapod biodiversity informatics
DecaNet has been launched! A Global Species Database under the umbrella of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). DecaNet is not restricted to marine species though, and aims to provide an authoritative list of all decapod species and associated biodiversity information, including freshwater and terrestrial biomes, and a growing number of fossil taxa. For more information on LifeWatch News, please contact Dimitri Brosens, GBIF Node Manager Belgium at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
Every month we present interesting items in the news we have read and that are worth sharing!
Report reveals return on investments in GBIFStudy by Deloitte Access Economics finds that every €1 invested in global network, infrastructure and services accrues €3 in benefits to users and up to €12 to society. Here is the first economic valuation of GBIF's network, infrastructure and services. This finding is one of several insights outlined in the report, Economic valuation and assessment of the impact of the GBIF network, prepared and published by Deloitte Access Economics. UNEP and UN Climate Change provide fashion communicators with practical guide to contribute to sustainable changeThe Sustainable Fashion Communication Playbook highlights the importance of shifting fashion communication to enable a sustainable and circular fashion sector, drawing attention to the role of marketers, brand managers, imagemakers, storytellers, media, influencers and beyond. Can you protect gorillas with bitcoins?Congo is a powerhouse in terms of biodiversity. With foreign aid, the country is mapping them out itself. At the same time, human activities put pressure on all ecosystems, the Congolese themselves acknowledge. In the nature parks, the hotspots of biodiversity, the challenges are great. 'Some biologists don't even have a computer here. '