The Belgian Biodiversity Platform provides services to the Belgian scientific community engaged in biodiversity research and to policy-makers as well as to practitioners. As a science-policy interface, we offer services related to 3 main areas:
As a science-policy interface, we act as knowledge broker in several ways:
- Integration of existing science into policy at intergovernmental level through IPBES
- Science programming and funding through BiodivERsA+
- Knowledge brokerage with European relevance through EKLIPSE
- Listing of recommendations in our repository
- Provision of tips and tools for researchers and policy-makers through our toolkit
- A listing of our recent reports and publications
We offer scientists, policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders, the opportunity to incubate their knowledge with other experts on topical issues, to have an impact at the Belgian and international level. Our current prioritary topics include:
- Invasive Alien Species through our Belgian Forum on Invasive Species (BFIS)
- Ecosystems & Society through our Belgian Ecosystems & Society Community of Practice (BEES)
- Biodiversity & Health through our Community of Practice on Biodiversity and Health (COPBH)
- Biodiversity Informatics through our Communication Hub on biodiversity informatics (BICOH)
- Nature Based Solutions through our activies on conservation with IUCN and on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
We mobilise your data, publish it online to render it accessible, and we provide technical support and tools: