Launching Event 2019


Belgian One Health Network

Launching Event - 5 November 2019
Pictures available here


  • 13.00 - Registration
  • 13.30 - Plenary
  • 13.30 - Welcome by Myriam Sneyers, director general of Sciensano and Tom Auwers, Secretary – General of Ministry of Health (FPS Public Health presentation)
  • 13.50 - Presentation of the network (Frank Koenen & Hans Keune) One Health networking definition: results survey
  • 14.00 - NEOH definition/work (Simon Rüegg, Senior Researcher at University of Zurich, Section of Epidemiology)
  • 14.30 - Presentation of organisations working in a One Health perspective in Belgium
  • 15.00 - Coffee break
  • 15.15 - Parallel Break out sessions:
    • What are important topical issues to work on ?
    • What do you expect from the network ?
    • What can you do for the network ?
  • 16.00 - Plenary reporting break out - Network name voting
  • 16.30 - Network and Drink

Moderator: Eddy Caekelberghs, journalist on the Belgian Radio-Television of the French Community (RTBF).


For more information, please contact


One Health Belgium Network