The Belgian Biodiversity Platform has developed this searchable tool to provide to its users an overview of the existing Biodiversity Research Infrastructures (BRIs) that are available to the Belgian scientific community.
This initiative builds on a previous mapping exercise of existing BRIs in Europe undertaken in the context of Biodiversa+, as well as on the results of a survey to Belgian users of BRIs (see report here).
The infrastructures that have been included here meet the following criteria:
- They fall under the definition of a Research Infrastructure (as defined by the European Commission);
- They focus on biodiversity and ecosystems research;
- They are available to or useful for Belgian scientists.
We intend to make this list as complete as possible, although all existing infrastructures have not been explored yet. Please let us know if you would like to see a RI added to this list and we will update it accordingly (provided it meets the criteria cited above).
You can use the free text search and filter options (on the left) to find specific BRIs. The list can be refined by selecting one or several options in the following categories:
- Type of infrastructure (you will find examples under the different types)
- Taxa
- Ecosystems
- Geographical coverage
Coloured labels with the names of the relevant categories appear under each infrastructure.
Clicking on the name of the BRI will lead you to an individual webpage with detailed information about the infrastructure.
Photo credits banner images: Photo by Gilles Lambert & Tim Marshall on Unsplash.