We urgently need a coordinated One Health approach across sectors. The current pandemic is still going strong, and climate disasters are known to affect vital determinants of health - clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. On 23 November 2021, the Belgian One Health network (BeOH) has organised a virtual conference on how the EU Green Deal can be best supported in Belgium from a One Health perspective. The Belgian Biodiversity Platform takes you through the highlights of the event.
The European Green Deal is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU's natural capital, and protect the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts. All the while, this transition must be just and inclusive, otherwise it cannot be sustained long-term.
The overall objective of the BeOH Conference was to stimulate a greater cooperation and synergy between experts working in various fields, policy makers and civil society in order to enable and operationalise a One Health approach in support of the European Green deal. Outputs from prepatory workshops were presented and commented on by high-experts. This event also aimed to strengthen and enlarge the Belgian One Health network (BeOH) and its relevance to science, policy and practice. Belgian experts discussed four main themes within the EU Green Deal:
- The Farm to Fork Strategy
- The Circular Economy
- The Biodiversity Strategy
- Climate resilience
Watch the recording of the BeOH Web Conference or the highlights video:
09:00 - 09:10: Introduction of the day – Programme
09:10 - 09:20: The Belgian One Health Network (BeOH) : Who we are and what we ambition?
Speakers: Hans Keune (Belgian Biodiversity Platform, INBO, University of Antwerp),
& Laetitia Lempereur (Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - BEOH)
Link to presentation (PDF)
09:20 - 09:30: The Green Deal : Quick overview and timelines
Speaker: Tony Agotha (Senior Diplomatic Expert to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans at European Commission)
09:30 - 10:00: Farm to Fork strategic plan within the Green Deal
Speakers: Rada Chehlarova (EU DG Health and Food Safety),
Link to presentation (PDF)
& Katie Vermeersch (AFSCA-FAVV)
Link to presentation (PDF)
10:00 - 10:30: Circular Economy strategic plan within the Green Deal
Speaker: Roland Moreau (Representative of environmental NGOs at the CESE Wallonia Board Member of Club of Rome -EU Chapter)
Link to presentation (PDF)
Break : 10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30: Biodiversity strategic plan within the Green Deal
Speakers: Arnaud Goessens (Wildlife Conservation Society),
Link to presentation (PDF)
& Els Martens (Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment)
Link to presentation (PDF)
11:30 - 12:00: Climate resilience strategic plan within the Green Deal
Speakers: Liviu Stirbat (EU DG Climate Action)
Link to presentation (PDF)
& Sofie De Broe (Sciensano)
Link to presentation (PDF)
12:00-12:20 : Summary on cross-cutting recommendations
Link to presentation (PDF)
12:20-13:00 : Federal Ministers statement (Minister Vandenbroucke,Minister Khattabi (represented by Eveline De Coster), Minister Clarinval and Minister Van Quickenborne)
For more information, please contact Divija Jata.