The Belgian PREZODE Expert Group with support from the Belgian Biodiversity Platform , FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and Sciensano held a workshop to discuss a national One World One Health Vision for Belgium. This workshop aimed to form a basis for a vision for One World One Health in Belgium, with a focus on the emergence of zoonotic diseases. We invited experts from across sectors including biodiversity, human health, veterinary science, climate change, science policy, and scientific research, to attend and contribute towards this One Health vision.
This task has been mandated to the PREZODE Expert Group at the ministerial level.
Programme of the event can be found below. Presentations included:
One World One Health Prezode Belgium, Christine Citti, INRAE, Prezode interim secretariat
WHO pandemic treaty: zero draft, Michiel Van Der Heyden, Federal public service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
Challenges for a One Health Scientific Research and Mapping of Actors in Belgium, Hein Imberechts, Sciensano
Zoonotic Corynebacterium ulcerans, Infections in Hedgehogs: A one health perspective, An Martel, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGent - Wildlife Health Ghent
The Environmental sector and zoonotic disease risk reduction: examples from the field, Arnaud Goessens, Wildlife Conservation Society
The Risk Assessment Group - Veterinary – Emerging zoonoses, Pieter Depoorter, RAG - V - EZ & Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain
The National Action Plan for the Strengthening of the Zoonotic Disease Policy in the Netherlands, Joyce Braam Ministry of Health, Wellbeing & Sport and Martijn Stijntjes Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food quality - The Netherlands
More information about the Breakout sessions can be found in the workshop report
Photos of the event can be found here
Background documents
One World One Health Prezode background document
Action plan zoonotic diseases in the Netherlands
A health perspective on the role of environment in One Health
8.45 - 9.20 |
Registration and Coffee |
9.20 - 9.30 |
Welcome and introductory remarks |
Pierre Kerkhofs DG ENV - Federal public service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment |
9.30 - 10.00 |
PREZODE strategic agenda: a roadmap towards preventing zoonotic diseases |
Christine Citti PREZODE Secretariat & INRAE, France |
10.00 - 10.15 |
State of play & challenges linked to the negotiations of the WHO pandemic Treaty (with a focus on prevention) |
Michiel Van Der Heyden Federal public service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment |
10.15 - 10.30 |
Challenges for a One Health scientific research and mapping of actors in Belgium |
Hein Imberechts Sciensano |
10.30 - 10.45 |
The zoonotic Corynebacterium ulcerans infections in hedgehogs from a One Health perspective |
Prof. dr. An Martel Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGent - Wildlife Health Ghent |
10.45 - 11.00 |
The Environmental sector and zoonotic disease risk reduction: examples from the field |
Arnaud Goessens Wildlife Conservation Society |
11.00 - 11.15 |
Coffee break |
11.15 - 11.30 |
The Risk Assessment Group - Veterinary – Emerging zoonoses (RAG-V-EZ) : presentation of its work and the experience gained from the previous RAG-CA |
Pieter Depoorter RAG - V - EZ & Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain |
11.30 - 12.00 |
The National Action Plan for the Strengthening of the Zoonotic Disease Policy in the Netherlands |
Joyce Braam Ministry of Health, Wellbeing & Sport Martijn Stijntjes Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food quality - The Netherlands |
12.00 - 13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00 - 13.15 |
Plenary introduction to Breakout sessions |
Sonia Vanderhoeven Belgian Biodiversity Platform |
13.15 - 15.15 |
Breakout sessions |
15.15 - 15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30 - 16.15 |
Summary of the day |
Sonia Vanderhoeven & Facilitators from each breakout session |
16.15 - 16.30 |
Concluding remarks |
Hein Imberechts Sciensano |
8th March 2023
FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Galileelaan-Avenue Galilée 5/2, 1210 Brussels.
For more information please contact Divija Jata (Coordinator, Belgian Biodiversity Platform) and Maud Istasse (current Co-Chair a.i., PREZODE Belgium)