Hilde Eggermont

Hilde Eggermont

Vice-Chair of the BiodivERsA ERA-net

Belgian Biodiversity Platform and the BiodivERsA ERA-net

1. Could you please describe BiodivERsA?
BiodivERsA is a network of 32 agencies and ministries from 21 European countries programming and funding pan-European research on biodiversity and ecosystem services on a competitive basis. It is an ERA-NET Co-fund, funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. For Belgium, both the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) are partners in the network. 

Since its beginning in 2005, BiodivERsA has launched 6 calls for proposals for a total amount of 160 million euro to fund around 70 pan-European research projects selected for both their scientific excellence and societal/policy relevance. As such, many Belgian scientists have already benefited from it! In addition, to further strengthen the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services, BiodivERsA has further developed a great diversity of activities ranging from research mapping and programming, to stakeholder engagement, dissemination of projects’ outputs and knowledge brokerage. As you can see, the network is very active and ever growing! Nowadays - it does not only include partners from the European mainland, but also from the Overseas.

2. What's the role of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform in such a network?
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform carries out a variety of BiodivERsA tasks - both as Work package and Task leader - on behalf of the Belgian Science Policy Office since 2005. We are mainly focusing on mapping activities (e.g. we are managing the BiodivERsA database currently documenting over 12,000 biodiversity projects across Europe), science-policy interfacing activities (e.g. we are leading the task on policybrief development) and communication on both the funded-projects and the BiodivERsA network itself.

As member of the Executive Board and by hosting one of the Vice Chairs, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform plays a crucial role in setting strategic direction for the network.

3. What are your plans for the future of BiodivERsA?
We hope the Belgian Biodiversity Platform can keep its key role in the consortium. It is a very rewarding network to be engaged in, with a great and visible impact on both science and policy! Over the coming years, we hope to further reinforce BiodivERsA’s capacity to promote science-society and science-policy interfacing throughout the whole research process. We also plan to implement new activities to promote internationalisation of biodiversity research, and promoting open access to data. Holding the national focal points of both IPBES and GBIF, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform is very well placed to do so. Last but not least, as Vice-Chair, I will do my very best to ensure a sustainable future. Hopefully, Belgian funding agencies will keep investing in this ever growing network!