Welcome to the One Health website of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. The One Health community brings together experts from a diversity of fields, including human, animal and plant health scientists, natural and social scientists, policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders.

Worldwide, One Health is gaining momentum through increased attention, recognition, conceptualizations and challenges in the realms of science, policy and society. The aim of the Belgian One Health community is to support collaboration, capacity building and communication among Belgian actors.

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What's in it for me? 

  •  Join our experts registry (you will be informed on projects and events, and you will be contacted as expert to respond to ad-hoc requests received from Belgian and international public authorities or other organisations)
  • Join our mailing list to receive our newsletter to be kept informed of developments, projects and events in Belgium; and to get informed on international developments in a concise manner
  • Attend our events so you can expand your network with experts of various fields and reach out to new perspectives, get out of your comfort zone, and get the bigger picture
  • Help us shape the development of research, policy and practice agenda through various of our activities, including our work focusing on creating potential future calls for integrated research on biodiversity and health
  • Make a contribution to and publish joint papers following One Health-related events.



Belgian One Health Network

The aim of the Belgian One Health network (BeOH) is to support collaboration, capacity building and communication among Belgian actors.
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Belgian PREZODE expert group

Belgium signed the PREZODE international initiative in October 2021. The Belgian PREZODE Expert Group was created in 2022. In 2023 it drafted the Belgian One World One Health Vision policy recommendations toward prevention of zoonotic disease emergence.


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