LTER-Belgium ~ Long-Term Ecosystem Research Network in Belgium

Network of 32 sites for biodiversity and ecological studies in Belgium.


LTER-Belgium stands for Long-Term Ecosystem Research Network in Belgium. It is a network of 34 sites and platforms engaged in long-term, site-based ecological and socio-ecological research. The mission of LTER-Belgium is to improve the understanding of the functioning of the ecosystems in Belgium in order to provide answers to current and future environmental issues, by facilitating and supporting national and international cooperation on long-term environmental research and monitoring.

The Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) is leading the LTER network for Belgium.


Type: distributed infrastructure 

Creation date: 2003 (LTER-Europe)

Access & costs: Please use the contacts given below to explore possible opportunities. Also, the DEIMS portal provides metadata on LTER sites, platforms, datasets, personnel, and  acts as a central repository for much LTER-related information.



Access to ecosystems Laboratories & technologies Networking & coordination Invertebrates Vertebrates Plants Fungi Terrestrial Freshwater National European Global
The information contained on this webpage has been collected by searching online for information or by reaching to the contact persons. If you notice incomplete, missing, or incorrect information, please contact us and we will update the page accordingly.