Have a look at the photos from the 2018 BEES Market
The BEES market is the single event gathering research and practice on the topic of 'ecosystems and society' on a Belgian scale. Research institutes and academic groups, administration projects and local initiatives on nature, forestry, agriculture, ecosystem services, environmental justice, green economy etc. meet in a personal and relaxed atmosphere, learning from each other and strengthening the community.
Last edition took place on 18 December 2018 at INBO and ANB headquarters, in Brussels. You'll find the pictures here.
Three workshops were organised before the Market :
- Introduction in 'the Work that Reconnects' of Joanna Macy
This workshop is a dynamic, interactive introduction based on the teachings of Joanna Macy and her work on reconnection. The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization." (Joanna Macy )
- Uncovering ecosystem trade-offs and conflicts
Agriculture-nature conflicts, controversies about the return of the wild boar, overrecreation in nature reserves,…. Frictions and conflicts related to use of the open space are inherent to our highly populated country. Many of these frictions and conflicts seems to be difficult to overcome due to contradicting positions of the involved stakeholders. Understanding these positions are important, but in order to find solutions we need to unearth the underlying interests and needs. These insights can provide a clue to problem solving strategies. In this session a few short presentations will be combined with an interactive session where we experiment with the position-need-interest framework.
- Making the Nature Value Explorer better applicable for socio-economic impact analysis
Natural areas have a high diversity of fauna and flora. These areas are also valuable for local residents and visitors and contribute to the regulation of our climate. On the other hand, land and other resources are scarce and efficient deployment is important. The demonstration of the socio-economic benefits of nature development is therefore important for the support of the wider public and policy makers. In this interactive workshop we look at how the Nature Value Explorer can help to map the socio-economic impact of these nature development plans. Which indicators are missing and are very important to take into account?
The BEES Market brings together people from academia, public administration and civil society, from Belgium and abroad, with one common interest: ecosystem services. The BEES market is the perfect spot to exchange ideas, learn from other experiences and discover how ecosystem services are transformed into real products or daily life applications. The format of the event is a cozy afternoon in a friendly Christmas market-like atmosphere: the perfect event to wrap up the year in a useful and fun way. Participants can choose to have a stand, give a training session or just enjoy the market.
The last edition of the BEES Market took take place in Namur on 12 December 2017.
Photos of the 2017 BEES Market
You can also have a look at the video of :
-Our 2014 edition
-Our 2015 edition
Photos of the 2016 edition are also available.
For more information, please contact Sander Jacobs, BEES Coordinator