2015-2016 BiodivERsA projects

Brochure presenting the 26 selected projects

Discover the new 2015-2016 Call brochure analysing the results of the BiodivERsA COFUND Call on “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities)".

The 2015-2016 Call Brochure provides information on the call process (from the development of the call to the evaluation and selection of the top proposals). It also highlights the profile of both submitted and selected proposals and offers a description of the 26 projects that were selected for funding for a total amount of over 33 million euro.

More information on the 2015-2016 Call is available here

Contact Dr Hilde Eggermont for more information.