Biotalent EU Conference : Tackling biodiversity challenges through innovative e-learning

18 May 2017 at 00:00 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels
18 May. 17

Biotalent EU Conference : Tackling biodiversity challenges through innovative e-learning

RBINS - 18 May 2017

BIOTALENT creates talent in biodiversity through innovative education and new skills to increase engagement in science

Tackling biodiversity challenges through innovative e-learning

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BIOTALENT is a blended e-learning biodiversity training programme. Biodiversity and its protection are tightly linked to a societal change which can only be achieved by a strong investment in environmental education.

The right training and capacity building need to be provided today to improve competences of teachers in the sector of biodiversity education, effective at raising the level of biodiversity literacy for teachers and students, motivating both to learn about biodiversity, to engage in conserving Europe’s biodiversity and to ignite their passion for Science.

More info in BIOTALENT leaflet (EN)
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