Policy Brief: "European Gradients of Resilience in the face of Climate Extremes"

Published by SIGNAL, a BiodivERsA-funded project

A policy brief on European Gradients of Resilience in the face of Climate Extremes has just been released by SIGNAL, a BiodivERsA-funded project.

The brief states that extreme weather events and the presence of invasive species can act as pressures threatening biodiversity, resilience and ecosystem services of semi-natural grasslands and drive them beyond thresholds of system integrity (tipping points and regime shifts). On the other hand, biodiversity itself may buffer ecosystem functioning and services against change. Potential stabilising mechanisms include species richness, presence of key species such as legumes and within-species diversity. These potential buffers can be promoted by conservation management and policy adjustments.

Read the policy brief online

Contact Hans De Boeck for more information.