Stay tuned on COP-13

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the highest governing body of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It brings together representatives of the countries party managers and key players to promote the implementation of the Convention.

Since the CBD came into force in December 1993, the COP has held 12 regular meetings and adopted 367 decisions.

The COP-13 is taking place from 2 to 17 December 2016 in Cancun, Mexico

During COP 13, about ten thousand participants, including representatives of the countries parties, observer countries, international organizations and others interested will meet in Cancun to negotiate agreements and commitments that give impulse to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi goals.   

Mexico will promote actions to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 and its Aichi goals, so that it has been proposed as central theme: the integration of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the plans, programs and sectoral and intersectoral policies with emphasis on agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism sectors. This topic is expected to be written into the ministerial declaration to be adopted at the High Level Segment and in one of the decisions of the COP 13.
Stay informed on COP-13: