Sponsor a Saker

Global Action Plan for the Saker Falcon

The Saker Falcon has a relationship with humans going back more than 1000 years; however, the modern world has brought modern dangers and the population is declining rapidly. The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF) needs your help to find out why saker numbers are falling. Sponsor a saker today to help save this amazing bird!


Why is the saker population declining?

The number of breeding pairs in the wild has dropped 50% in the last 25 years, and in some areas they have almost completely disappeared from places where they were once common. But, while we know that saker falcons face a range of problems that are all posing threats to their population we don’t yet know which of these has the biggest impact on the population.

A major threat to saker falcons is power lines which kill thousands of sakers and other birds of prey a year, many of them endangered species, as they perch on them. In Mongolia, more than 5 sakers were killed each year on every single kilometre of line!

In other areas declining prey populations have meant sakers have been unable to raise their young, while in other areas intentional poisoning by farmers is killing adult birds.

How can you help save the Saker Falcon and prevent these avoidable deaths?

In order to understand what is causing the decline of saker falcon populations we first need to know where they go. Using satellite tracking on tagged birds will allow IAF to map their migration routes and identify the main cause of saker falcon deaths; however, satellite tags are very expensive as each one costs €1500.

Your donation will help IAF to understand the saker and will enable them to start targeted conservation projects that will save this amazing bird. More information here


Watch the saker falcon migration as it happens

When you donate you will be given access to the satellite stream to be able to watch the saker migration online as it happens. IAF will also keep you updated with the conclusions of the study so you can see the impact your donation has had on the conservation of saker falcons.