GBIF information update: January 2016

National reports for 2015 are now available online


GBIF is pleased to announce that national reports for 2015 are now available online via The reports summarize statistics and other information on the mobilization and use of species data at the country level.

To download the reports, select a country from the list at and click on the blue box marked Country Report at the top right of the page.

The reports were developed at the specific request of the Governing Board, and we hope they will be useful to Participants to monitor progress on data mobilisation and uses in their countries.

Also, the latest metrics related to GBIF, providing an overview of 2015 and for the month of January 2016 can also be accessed at (powerpoint file) and at (pdf file).

Please email at with a Google-enabled email address if you would like to have direct access to Google analytics reports for