The BiodivERsA ERA-Net is pleased to announce the launch of its next call

The call is planned to be launched in May 2015, with a closing date in early November 2015. The indicative global budget for this call is ca. 30 million euro.

The BiodivERsA ERA-Net is pleased to announce the launch of its next call, cofunded by the European Commission, planned to be launched in May 2015, with a closing date in November 2015.

The next BiodivERsA call, cofunded by the European Commission will cover the two following themes:

• Theme #1: Understanding and managing the biodiversity dynamics of soils and sediments to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services

• Theme #2: Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics in land-, river- and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities) to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services

The call is planned to be launched in May 2015, with a closing date in early November 2015. The indicative global budget for this call is ca. 30 million euro.

We invite you to regularly consult the webpage dedicated to the 2015 call, on which information on the call will be regularly updated.